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Ny konferencesal med plads til op mod 1000 gæster i Vestsalen på FÆNGSLET i Horsens

THE PRISON – and the making of Vestsalen


Have your next meeting at FÆNGSLET (the old state penitentiary) in Horsens and experience the story of the conference space of Vestsalen, an architectural marvel where Nordic modernism blends into the historic surroundings from the 19th century with a price of 100 million Danish Kroner fin

For many years The State Penitentiary in Horsens was a high security prison where hard-core criminals where being kept under lock and key.

Now the gates have been opened to the public and FÆNGSLET an event company is using the building for conferences and events. The building also houses Europe’s largest prison museum, a hostel and many companies who rent office spaces in the old prison.

In September 2021 THE PRISON was opened to the world even further with the spectacular new conference space of Vestsalen.

The very spirit of the prison is the driving force in the architectural solutions chosen. This creates uncompromising architecture in an international league rarely seen in Denmark”, says Rune Riss, architect and partner in the architectural firm CUBO.

If you choose to have your meeting at THE PRISON, the meeting can be combined with a tour of the prison and a tour of Vestsalen by a project manager from Nordstern the company in charge of the renovation. 



Trine Have, projektleder i Turistsamarbejdet Kystlandet
Projektleder i Destination Kystlandet

Project Manager

