Bicycle routes in Odder
Explore the lovely rural bicycle terrain on these route suggestions that will show you different aspects of the area’s varied nature. The routes are all round trips so you will end your bicycle ride at the parking lot.
The Inlet Tour – 18,4 km
This route heads northeast of Odder and takes you around Norsminde Fjord. Park at the harbour in Norsminde and enjoy the cosy maritime atmosphere. You will follow the coast in the holiday home area to Rude Beach. You also pass through Odder river valley (Ådal) and the area north of Norsminde Fjord where there is a nice view from the hills.
The Village Tour – 42 km
Experience the peaceful and characteristically rural area south of Odder that will take you to the villages Gylling, Lerdrup, Amstrup, Aalstrup, Falling and Ørting. You also drive through the peninsula Gyllingnæs and visit the idyllic island Alrø. You can park by the dam leading to Alrø or at the southern end of the island at the ferry berth.
The Moor Tour – 22,5 km
This tour southwest of Odder is named after Randlev Moor and Ørting Moor where you can see characteristic nature and idyllic Danish houses. West of the marshland, the route passes through magnificent manor landscape around the manors of Åkjær and Rathlousdal and through Odder Golf Club’s territory. From Rathlousdal Manor, a beautiful, preserved linden tree avenue.
The Church- and History Tour – 21,5 km
This route heads southeast of Odder towards Hou. You will pass several idyllic villages, among them Randlev, Gosmer and Søby where you can see lovely churches. You will also pass close by several ancient monuments such as the Mounds of Bjørnkær, the passage grave in Ravnskoven Forest and the bowl-shaped stone in Fensten Sønderskov Forest.
The Hill Tour – 16,9 km
The hilliest and most physically demanding tour is the Hill Tour, heading northwest of Odder. The route starts in the old part of Odder and passes the old mill Stampmøllen before leading to the new quarter Bendixminde at Snærild River Valley. From here, you head up to a plateau north of the city. Near the village Tvenstrup you have an excellent view of the Odder Coast before heading back towards the city.
The Nature Tour – 20 km
This tour is a round trip in the beautiful nature around Sondrup southwest of Odder. From Hundslund you head south past one of the best vista points in the area, Trustrup Hills and on to Sondrup Beach at Horsens Fjord. The route now leads you through the nature area Sondrup Hills and Uldrup Hills. You may want to combine the bike ride with a hike in the beautiful forests here. Heading back to Hundslund, you ride along Åkær Stream and past Åkær Manor.
Follow the routes on a digital map
The routes are not waymarked but shown on information boards in the area. You can follow the routes on your smartphone via this digital map.