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Around Horsens Fjord by kayak

Get in the kayak and explore one of Denmark's most beautiful fjords, which offers excellent conditions for kayaking. If you don't have your own kayak, it can be rented at Horsens City Camping.

Total freedom on the calm fjord

Horsens Fjord offers excellent conditions for kayaking with its calm waters, winding coastline, and several islands that provide shelter from wind and weather. From the kayak, you can enjoy diverse nature with forests, fields, and islands, as well as the city life at Horsens harbor. In the fjord, you can encounter porpoises and seals, and there are also good opportunities for fishing. You can also experience the maritime environment around the islands of Hjarnø and Alrø, and the harbor and ferry town of Snaptun on the south side of the fjord.

A trip around the fjord in a sea kayak is highly recommended. Along the way, there are several places to take a break. We recommend a 44-kilometer trip, which can be conveniently divided into stages:


Husodde Beach to Brigsted, 7.5 kilometers

Brigsted to Sondrup, 9 kilometers

Sondrup to Snaptun, 9 kilometers

Snaptun to Horsens Marina, 15.5 kilometers

Horsens Marina to Husodde Beach, 3 kilometers


Husodde Beach-Brigsted

The journey begins at Husodde Beach, where there is plenty of activity in the summer at the Blue Flag beach and the Horsens City Camping site. Ice creams and refreshments can be purchased at the campsite before the trip. If you don't have your own sea kayak, it's possible to rent one here.

When you launch the kayak into the water, be mindful of the large rocks near Husodde.

The route now heads east along the northern part of Horsens Fjord. The first part of the journey passes by the forests at Stensballe. When the fjord bends northward, follow the coastline west of the island Vorsø. Vorsø is a protected nature reserve, and landing is not allowed. A large population of birds, including 4000 cormorants, lives here. Be aware that the water is very shallow near Vorsø. From February 1st to July 15th, it is not permitted to approach within 200 meters of Vorsø, and generally, one should not pass north of the island. The trip concludes at Brigsted near Vorsø. Here, there is a natural campsite with shelters and a toilet.

Horsens Municipality regularly organizes guided tours to Vorsø from Brigsted, where participants wade through the shallow water to reach the island. This is the only way to visit Vorsø.



From Brigsted, the journey heads back south over Haldrup Beach and in a curve around Vorsø. The destination is Sondrup Beach east of Brigsted. Sondrup Beach is located at the end of a beautifully hilly, wooded terrain. Here, you'll find the lovely natural areas of Sondrup Plantation, Sondrup/Uldrup Hills, and Trustrup Hills. Sondrup provides an excellent starting point for a walk in the scenic landscape.



The journey now continues to the southern part of Horsens Fjord. Heading south from Sondrup, you'll reach Alrø. The island of Alrø is connected to the northern side of the fjord via a causeway. This charming island is best known for its excellent dining options. There are three good restaurants here, including Café Alrø, famous for their giant tartlets, and Alrø Købmandsgaard that serves bison meat.

From Alrø, there's also a small bicycle ferry that takes you further to Hjarnø and Snaptun, precisely where the kayaking trip leads.

Sail west of Alrø and east of Borre Knob through the narrow fairway that separates the two areas. The fairway is the only route through the fjord for boats and ships, so be very attentive when passing through the area. Sail along the eastern side of Borre Knob and turn eastward toward Snaptun, where the route ends.

Snaptun is a cozy marina/ferry harbor with departures to Hjarnø and Endelave. Here, you can enjoy a good meal or an ice cream before continuing the journey towards Horsens.


Snaptun to Horsens Marina

From Snaptun, the journey now continues all the way to Horsens. First, backtrack along Borre Knob to the fairway - the same way you came in. Borre Knob is an elongated peninsula extending from the southern part of the fjord. The peninsula features peaceful sandy beaches and a conference center. Follow Borre Knob all the way around, and once again, be mindful of the fairway. From here, follow the coastline all the way into Horsens. The southern coast is characterized by fields and agricultural areas, but you'll also pass by Boller Forest where Boller Castle is located. From there, sail along the Planet Path into Horsens Harbour. The journey concludes at the marina, where there is a launching site provided by Horsens Kayak Club.


Horsens Marina to Husodde Beach

The final leg of the journey around the fjord is the short stretch from Horsens Marina to Husodde Beach. Horsens Harbour is currently undergoing significant changes, and it's worth taking a walk around the area to get an impression of the new district emerging. At the marina, there are dining options and a chance to buy ice cream or drinks before setting off.

The last segment of the route follows the northern side of the fjord in Horsens city and out to the district of Stensballe, where Husodde Beach is located. First, you pass by the city beach Langelinie, which is always bustling with activity during the summer months. Later, you reach Strandparken, a small park from where you can admire the many beautiful houses situated right by the waterfront. The journey concludes where it all began – Husodde Beach and Horsens City Camping.


Rent a Kayak

At Horsens City Camping near Husodde Beach, you can rent a sea kayak for your trip. You can choose to pay for 2 hours, four hours, or a whole day. 


More suggestions for kayak trips

On this page, you can find inspiration for other delightful kayak routes in Kystlandet.
