Uldum Marsh (Uldum Kær)
A very special nature experience awaits in this large, protected wetland through which the stream Gudenåen flows. The area is made accessible with good facilities for visitors so you have the optimal setting for viewing the unique nature.
Denmark’s largest marsh
Uldum Kær is a 1200-hectare uninterrupted area between Tørring and Uldum through which the stream Gudenåen flows. The extensive meadows give rise to a particularly conservation-worthy flora and fauna.
Good facilities for visitors
Uldum Kær has been made available to visitors in a manner that respects nature. Thus, signposted paths and wooden bridges have been constructed for crossing the particularly wet parts of the bog. It is possible to get all around the bog area via roads and paths.
Information boards provide information on the area and its history. There are bird towers from which it is possible to observe the large number of bird species that live in Uldum Kær or perhaps just enjoy the view of the flat marsh landscape.
You can spend the night outdoors in the provided shelter. You find the shelter by the parking lot at Kærvejen where there is also a bird tower and toilet facilities.
Part of the stream Gudenåen
The southernmost stretch of Denmark's only “river” is characterised by large meadows of which Uldum Kær is clearly the largest. From the source of Gudenåen to Uldum Kær, a beautiful, 20-km-long, signposted hiking trail has been made which allows you to enjoy the beautiful and distinctive nature that characterises this area.
When you visit Uldum Kær, you will also often see canoeists passing by on their way north.
Exciting cultural history
Uldum Kær was originally a large lake but, over the centuries, gradual overgrowing has created bog areas with thick peat vegetation that characterise the area today.
In bog landscapes, well-preserved finds of bones and man-made materials from ancient times are often found, and Uldum Kær is no exception. Here, tools and traces of settlements from both the Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages have been found.
In the 20th century, the area was used for intensive peat excavation. Especially during the two world wars, peat from Danish bogs made up the majority of Denmark's fuel supply. Peat excavation has left its clear mark on Uldum Kær which looks like a mosaic of water-filled graves.
Learn more about the history of Uldum Kær
Uldum Kær is located quite close to the village Uldum, where you can visit Uldum Mølle Museum. At the museum, you can view an exhibition on the bog area. Learn more about the history of the area, learn more about the wildlife and see a number of exciting archaeological finds. Without a doubt, the main attraction of the exhibition is Uldumpigen - a sacrificial bog body from the Iron Age who was about 10-11 years.
Combining a trip to Uldum Kær with a museum visit is an obvious choice. A signposted path leads from the bog into town.