Shelters langs Fjordminoen
Find shelters og overnatning i det fri langs kysten og i de hyggelige skove på Fjordminoen rundt om Horsens Fjord.
Shelters og overnatning i det fri
Brigsted Campsite
On the north side of Horsens Fjord, at the crossing point to Vorsø, lies this peaceful and picturesque natural campsite. Here, you can stay overnight in shelters or your own tent by a tranquil beach.
Tønballe Forest
This beautiful old forest lies very close to the charming marina and ferry port Snaptun. Tønballe is ideal for hikes and offers exciting history, vista points, and activities in nature.
Shelters in Tønballe Forest
In the beautiful Tønballe Forest near Snaptun, there is a shelter site with three shelters. Here, you can stay overnight for free in the open air, surrounded by nature close to popular hiking trails.
Campsite in Skablund Forest
This campsite is located on the edge of Skablund Forest and close to Sondrup Beach. It It can be found only 20 metres from the shore at the top of a coastal bluff with a view of Horsens Fjord. There a...
Dyrekærhusets shelter
Du har mulighed for at overnatte i det fri med kig til stjernerne i Dyrekærhusets unikke shelter, som ligger i udkanten af Dyrekærskoven. Shelteren har plads til 6 personer og skal bookes på forhånd. Som overnattende har du adgang til udekøkken, toilet og bad, terrasser og legeplads.
Se flere lignende overnatningsmuligheder langs Fjordminoen på